Hempy bucket run off question

Have two plants in a tote, 3rd day of flowering. Water with a ph between 5.5 and 5.8. My run off has measured as high as 8, but is always at 7 or above. Any one have any ideas y?

I used mg perlite,100%, and I rinsed it what I thought was pretty good. Could there be some nutes left over in the perlite if I didnt rinse it good enough?

Plants are nice and healthy, no lock out or def present, the run off has me confused though. Any and all help is appreciated.
35 views and no one has any thoughts on this? This is a forum about weed for people who know about weed or are loking for help growing, right? not just another gallery is it?


Well-Known Member
Chill out man i dont think many people do hempy here.not sure about the nutrient question...but from what ive read most people dont ph there water with hempy..they say its not needed.....


Well-Known Member
I pH my hempies.. did you ever figure it out? I remember you stopping by and glad to see another hempy grower.. DB is right, not many of us on here, but numbers increasing it looks like.


Well-Known Member
hey CityGrower, I never pH runoff for HB, you can flush it every night and feed every morning, it was worked for me, I learned it from DrGreenTM. But you said your lady dont have any problem or defs thats good sign :) Hope this will helps ya. Happy Growing and Peace.
