Hemp tycoon. Ultamate stoner game

pot smoker

its like farmvill excetp ur a little pot leaf:leaf: and you grow different kinds of bud, Ive never herd of these kinds but this is the best game EVER!:-P Leve feedback of how you thoght of it. its on adultSwim.com And Its Called Hemp tycoon, i cant post a link idk why it wont let me so if you could attach a link it b great.


Hemp Tycoon sucks as apposed to the real HEMPVILLE. THey already have a game where you grow marijuana, on Facebook, same graphics as Farmville & setup. It is called "PotFarm" & you grow different strains, such as Northern Lights, Blueberry, etc. Exact concept of Farmville. Been playing for about 6-months, but stopped recently due to not having much time. Must be 18 or older in order for Facebook to allow you to play.