hemp expo photos


figured i should put some photos up instead of letting them just sit on my hard drive even though it happened over a month ago. thinking i should maybe submit some of them to a magazine like west coast cannabis.

had one the best days ever at the expo. grabbed packs of cheese quake and vortex. got my copy of dank signed. won a JTR clone from mzjill during subcools talk about super soil. smoked a13 bubble and got to sample some vortex with sub. that stuff blew me away, especially the taste of the vortex, though i couldn't really judge its high because i was so baked from that bubble. he even gave me a nug of vortex (saved that to sample in my bong and wow!) and last but not least he handed me a pack of pink lady =) i just germinated the seeds a week ago and am glad to report 15/15 made it! 5 of each strain. just one cheesequake hasnt broken the surface of the rapid rooter, the rest already have there second pairs of leaves. transplanted into 1 gal pots of roots. (will go into supersoil later)



yeap i couldnt really believe it!!
i was just talking to sub about BCS and hes like you didnt get the pink lady pack? before i couldnt even ask what pink lady was he had already went back into the booth to grab me a pack. when i got it and realized pink lady was the BCS hybrid i just about shat myself.