HELPP!! Nitrogen Deficiency In Super Soil


Well-Known Member
I'm running 4 NLs right now and 2 are showing heavy signs of a nitrogen deficiency. And it's moving towards the tops of the girls quickly. Someone help. could it be lockout? can nitrogen get locked out? this is my first grow and of course my first def. problem. other than pests.

here's one of my girls, but the others are fairly the same.

what can I do to fix this in a super soil? anything?


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As advised on your previous threads gotta Science the shit outta this... study study ..we can't do it all 4 u?
as per usual here and on GC ...Flush then flush sum more
good luck

flush? in a super soil? and then what? you're not doing it for me.. I'm asking for 2 cents. if I was wrong by giving it more of something it wasn't needing then they die. they're gonna die either way. might as well try everything it could be.. that way if I fix it i might know how to identify and fix this issue next time around.
For a noob to be using SS for yield is dumb, as yes you gotta submit that recipe, for a clearer and correct reading of the contents of your soil, as you have done the observation well, now you gotta conclude the issue at hand
'.. 2 are showing heavy signs of a nitrogen deficiency. And it's moving towards the tops of the girls quickly. ..'
I still see(N) flush to my blog:
peat moss ewc and perlite. at 1/3 ratio each. and a cup of garden lime per cf.

then made a mix. 1 cup of each.. alfalfa, neem seed meal, crab meal.. 2 cups of kelp and fish bone meal. I took 3 cups of this mix and added it to my base per cf.

and 4 cups of azomite per cf.

and it cooked for a month and a half. if not longer.
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For a noob to be using SS for yield is dumb, as yes you gotta submit that recipe, for a clearer and correct reading of the contents of your soil, as you have done the observation well, now you gotta conclude the issue at hand
'.. 2 are showing heavy signs of a nitrogen deficiency. And it's moving towards the tops of the girls quickly. ..'
I still see(N) flush to my blog:

^^ here's my ss recipe.

I've read you don't get salt build ups in organics. mainly in chemical bottled stuff grows. was that wrong? and by flushing wouldn't I leach out all the ammendments and then see a while butt load more of deficiencies?
What kind of water you using? Crushed or powdered lime?

regular tap water. you know what. just recently it got worse and just recently I stopped letting my water air out. could that be it? I asked on here and people in organics said they go straight from hose or to watering can from hose and then to plant. no letting it sit out and dechlorinate. so I tried that. and it wasn't only on person it was multiple.

oh and epsoma garden lime it's little pellets.
regular tap water. you know what. just recently it got worse and just recently I stopped letting my water air out. could that be it? I asked on here and people in organics said they go straight from hose or to watering can from hose and then to plant. no letting it sit out and dechlorinate. so I tried that. and it wasn't only on person it was multiple.

oh and epsoma garden lime it's little pellets.
It looks like pH out of sack somehow. I always let water sit out. I used to. Now I catch rain water.
this is growth that I pulled off with little to no effort. more like just moving the leaf and they would pull right off.

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and this is growth that didn't pull off but it's like 6 inches or so away from the very top of the plant.

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It looks like pH out of sack somehow. I always let water sit out. I used to. Now I catch rain water.
some one also said that ph has no place in organic. but it can force the roots not to uptake nutes right? I've also read that ph has no place in multiple sites and forums. lol idk mann..
I felt safer using rain water, Til I did ph on it, 4.5 yikes. Now I'm using tap water that's left out.

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Something is off there. Shouldn't be. My rain water grows my garden veggies just fine.

some one also said that ph has no place in organic. but it can force the roots not to uptake nutes right? I've also read that ph has no place in multiple sites and forums. lol idk mann..
That is normally right. Soil buffers its self. Maybe something in the tap water.

Are you letting the soil dry out?
Hookah is right , light top dressing , and or let it be the plant its using its own resources that's what they do , thats all depending to that its week 4 or more into flowering.
And to clarify soil buffer , you keep hitting the wrong ph , because your ph meter is off, or whatever ,buffer or not your going to experience problems.
Your pH seems fine .
pH problems usually shown by a twist in the leaves of new growth.
Your new growth ok.
A worm castings tea maybe,and topdress with inches of fresh soil will improve them .

Best of luck.