
Hi everyone, I have just germinated some FAF (feminised autoflowering) HAZE. Ithey are just seedlings about 1.5" but one is showing no first leaf and looks like it is sprouting roots from the top. I know it sounds stupid but is this trying to grow upside down?


Well-Known Member
Even if its not facing down, the root should go down right? No matter which way you put the seed in the ground?
I have rinsed it off and repotted it so that the seed head and root are now just lying on the surface of the soil. I had to det the stem into the soil about 1.5". Anybody got any thoughts?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Why are you making this so hard on yourself?

Put the seed in the ground. Watch it grow.

Not sure what "I had to det the stem..." means. Not familiar with the term "det."

Although rinsing your root and laying it on top of the soil, exposed to light and air, has probably killed that poor plant. Now we will never know the potential of that bean.

If you want an easy method, get yourself some coco fiber. Saturate it, plant the seed, and check on it 3 days later. You'll have a seedling 99.9% of the time. Keep it happy for 2 weeks and transplant to whatever system you desire. It really doesn't get easier. All this paper towel, cups of water, etc, etc, is just a bunch of malarky. It is a shame those methods work at all because it is responsible for the stress of growers and death of many a fine young plant.

My suggestion. Plant it in coco. Don't baby it. Just let it do its thing. Shit takes 70 days to grow anyway... If you're having problems from day 1 I'm not confident the next 69 are going to be all that much better.


Well-Known Member
Even if its not facing down, the root should go down right? No matter which way you put the seed in the ground?

Ive had seeds that lagged, an later i learned the roots grew up an then circled back down like normal.
She sat there not growing for a week or so. But then she took off an was healthy.

Use a pencil to make a whole in the soil an put that baby to bed asap.

I use a paper towel to germ them, an only put the tap root in the soil. So i can watch the top an make sure it can get its seed husk off.