

Will my plants get back on track? My ph was down and I got ph up and fed them. If I continue to just feed my plants with the right ph level will they recover? Thank y'all


Well-Known Member
You would need to provide alot more information and pics would be extremely helpful.

What medium are you growing in?
How bad are the plants?
What is the right PH level?
What are you feeding them?


There in soil, the ph was low because I didn't Check it when I mixed in a nut. The leaves are wilting yet there is new green growth. The ph had dropped down to 5 or so I am a new grower and totally funked up. Thanks have no pics
Might want to try flushing them with some distilled or equivelant water and then check PH after that? I had some PH problems early on (was way too high), and a good flush followed by low dose nute (at correct ph) and they rebounded really well, but hat was way early in seedling/veg. I now check ph of what I'm giving them and PH of runoff. Oh yeah, and the Soil you use is going to have a big impact on that too.


Ok I gave them a ph up with distilled water about two days ago would you recommend feeding them with some flowering nutes and RO at the right ph?