

the tips of my 3wk old leaves are turning yellow i used some hydroponic nutes in soil is that the problem or is it something else


Well-Known Member
the tips of my 3wk old leaves are turning yellow i used some hydroponic nutes in soil is that the problem or is it something else
What are you growing in, what medium?
What type of lighting?
How often do you feed and how much?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I missed the part about the soil. Why would you use hydropnic nutes in soil? Soil is a buffer, so ph should not be an issue. So it's probably the nutes. Depending on the soil you used, it should have enough nutes in the soil to feed the plants for some time, over feeding will cause nute burn.

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
feeding hydroponic nutes to a soil medium plant has no real negative effect on the plant, guard. i'd check your ph 6.2-6.8...and if thats not the problem the it sounds like it could be a nitrogen deficency especially if your plants are only 3weeks old.