HELP!!! Yellowing of middle leaves (pics included)

This is my first-ever run growing plants outdoors. I have three females about a month or so into flowering and my largest is showing signs of yellowing forming on the edges of middle leave sets. I have three pictures to post taken today. I believe it is a nut deficiency but not sure what. I use a 20-20-20 water soluble fertilizer and a 0-18-0 rock phosphate fertilizer I started using for flowering. If anyone could provide any insight it would be extremely appreciated. THANKS!



Well-Known Member
Beginning of a mag/cal def, and or lockout....leach the roots and start out on 1/4 nutrients work your way up until you are at the correct level.


dude just be carefully on watering give that babe a good dose of 10-10-10 u need to be fertilizing at leaste once a week then flush then fertilize again get a ppm meter fill up five gallon bucket of water get a good bloom booster and use grandmas unsulphered moolasses 2 tbl spoons per gallon just make sure u get ur ppms in ur water mix to atleaste 1500 ppm then need plenty of food once a week or even more dont forget to flush buy a ppm meter dont go over 1800ppm every time u feed and u wont get burn hope this helps
thanks for all the replies everyone! i feel i should switch over entirerly for nutrients to a good bloom product with the recommended amounts of all micro and macro nutes?


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the replies everyone! i feel i should switch over entirerly for nutrients to a good bloom product with the recommended amounts of all micro and macro nutes?
I dont grow in soil but there are plenty of useful stickies in the forums, check them out! I use General Hydroponics all in one Flora Nova grow and bloom, during bloom i use kool bloom for increased mag and N. I know soil is a whole different ballpark...


Well-Known Member
when you do water, make sure to dilute your nutrients with your PH water..use a TDS meter for correct ppm, it makes caring for your plants much easier!


Active Member
just so you know i never used any fancy nutrients for my soil grow all i used was small doses of MG 18/18/21 tomato fertilizer with micro nutes(from wal-mart) molasses and some seaweed that i got from the ocean and rinsed of chopped up and soaked it in water with a lil molasses and put bits of that in my water this is good if you live near the ocean i have a link down below about the seaweed with lots of info!!


Active Member
yep looks like magnesium deff, foliar feed with epsom salt at say 1 teaspoon/gallon, if that dosnt work after a week say try upping the dosage, also it may be due to low ph in the soil causing a lock out
yah definantly thanks for all the input guys! im a newbie grower so i appreciate it, i also have a fert i was plannin to utilize today for mg/cal. its high in cal though (like 9%) and only like .5%mag will this do the trick? though it is the last of this stuff so im gona have to buy a new product all together.
yah thatnks for the input, im gona buy a ph meter that will definantly help. also i have been using used coffee grounds to control ph (ive been on a budget) cus i know they are like in the 6.5-6.8 range, i dilute them alot to make sure theres no caffiene or anythign so probly like 6.8