help yellow edges on leaves an on new growth ..clones in veggy


Active Member
What type of water are you using? What are you feeding her? What pH? My guess is either Zn (zinc), Fe (iron), Mn (Manganese) deficiency or lockout. Water with something like calmag+ or GH micro at about 1/2 strength. Wait a few days for new growth.


Active Member
Gedday mate,
Im no expert, but it looks like you are either over watering, or as the guy above said they maybe be deficient n something such as calcium.
How often are you watering?
As for nutes an easy fix is to go and pick up some "House & Garden" nutes from SOG ( )
H&G's will easily help balance out and give your plants all the nutes they need.
The post above mentioned PH.... here in New zealand our tap water is usually pretty spot on for PH levels - and most ferts such as the ones i just mentioned will have like an auto PH adjuster in the mix so PH is something you should not have to stress too much about.
Good luck.
carefully tip the plant upside down if soil is moist you can hold the dirt and pull the plant out of the pot and ck the roots, looks like to much water...