Help with when to harvest or how long


Active Member
The pistils should be changing colors and your trichomes should be 30% amber. Autos should only take around 8-11 weeks to fully grow.


Well-Known Member
The pistils should be changing colors and your trichomes should be 30% amber. Autos should only take around 8-11 weeks to fully grow.
Don’t say that about how long they take to grow, it will give people false ideas. Every plant grows differently depending on the genetics and the environment.


Active Member
Don’t say that about how long they take to grow, it will give people false ideas. Every plant grows differently depending on the genetics and the environment.
Yeah everything grows differently and everyone has a preference when it comes to harvesting. Kind of stating the obvious. So OP, if you want a head high, wait till only about 10% are amber, if you want body high, go with more than 30% amber, but also note that the longer you wait, the more degradation of THC is going to happen. Good luck and happy buds!


Well-Known Member
Yeah everything grows differently and everyone has a preference when it comes to harvesting. Kind of stating the obvious. So OP, if you want a head high, wait till only about 10% are amber, if you want body high, go with more than 30% amber, but also note that the longer you wait, the more degradation of THC is going to happen. Good luck and happy buds!
It’s not obvious to new growers though dude. They don’t get that time frames mean nothing and so when people tell them or they read a certain number it sticks in their heads.

I answered the OPs question in the other thread they posted. But you really shouldn’t scare people telling them “ the longer you wait the more they will degrade their plants”. It takes weeks for things to start to degrade and most growers new or experienced don’t have the patients to let a plant go long enough to degrade the quality. In fact I’ve NEVER seen someone accidentally let their plants “over ripen” or go long enough to degrade them. Most growers harvest weeks before they should be.

If you harvest early you will get less high. It might seem more racy and like a “head high” at first, but trust me it won’t last long and you won’t be high.

Harvesting a plant when it is actually ripe will get you more high. It will give you the type of high that is associated with the varietal you are smoking.


Active Member
It’s not obvious to new growers though dude. They don’t get that time frames mean nothing and so when people tell them or they read a certain number it sticks in their heads.

I answered the OPs question in the other thread they posted. But you really shouldn’t scare people telling them “ the longer you wait the more they will degrade their plants”. It takes weeks for things to start to degrade and most growers new or experienced don’t have the patients to let a plant go long enough to degrade the quality. In fact I’ve NEVER seen someone accidentally let their plants “over ripen” or go long enough to degrade them. Most growers harvest weeks before they should be.

If you harvest early you will get less high. It might seem more racy and like a “head high” at first, but trust me it won’t last long and you won’t be high.

Harvesting a plant when it is actually ripe will get you more high. It will give you the type of high that is associated with the varietal you are smoking.
No, what you stated was the obvious, that "Every plant grows differently" no shit sherlock. But even though that is true, plants do not develop trichomes as quick as the next one so the rule of thumb is to go by the color of trichomes. And it doesn't matter if you have never seen someone "over ripen" their bud, it has happened and still happens.


Well-Known Member
No, what you stated was the obvious, that "Every plant grows differently" no shit sherlock. But even though that is true, plants do not develop trichomes as quick as the next one so the rule of thumb is to go by the color of trichomes. And it doesn't matter if you have never seen someone "over ripen" their bud, it has happened and still happens.
Don’t bother getting upitty with me. My point was while what I said may seem obvious to you, it isn’t obvious to most new growers, and planting false expectations in their heads doesn’t help anyone.

Please show me an “over ripened” bud, is especially love to see one that happened on accident. I’ve been growing for 15 years. I’ve been in personal grows and commercial grows. I’ve watches hundreds if not thousands of grows online since 08. People don’t over ripen buds on accident, and planting fear in new growers that makes them think they can or will easily degrade their buds only makes the early harvest issue people have worse.


Active Member
If you really have to be an experienced grower to have in your mind that your results are probably not going to be the same or quicker results than the next guy, then you need a reality check. And I think that all has to do with the type of person. If you are a dumbass who thinks they know it all, sure it might not be obvious to you. An "Over ripened" bud, is bud that has been growing for too long (I.E All amber trichomes). Most people don't want that bud and people that are busy who don't have time to babysit their plants can make that mistake. 5-10 days for indicas to change to amber. I know of people who leave their systems alone for a week at a time..


Well-Known Member
If you really have to be an experienced grower to have in your mind that your results are probably not going to be the same or quicker results than the next guy, then you need a reality check. And I think that all has to do with the type of person. If you are a dumbass who thinks they know it all, sure it might not be obvious to you. An "Over ripened" bud, is bud that has been growing for too long (I.E All amber trichomes). Most people don't want that bud and people that are busy who don't have time to babysit their plants can make that mistake. 5-10 days for indicas to change to amber. I know of people who leave their systems alone for a week at a time..
Lmao like I said you can’t show me an over ripe bud because it doesn’t happen.

I don’t hardly think I know everything, but I do know how to talk to people properly and how to help new growers understand actual plant growth and processes. People grow weed to get high, and I’m glad to help them get the most out of their harvest.

You have rolled into this forum with your runs blazing and a big attitude. It won’t get you far on this forum.


Active Member
This forum is shitty anyways, not to many people on and those who are on are shitty growers (Like yourself) I feel bad for any person who is new to growing and has to read your retarded shit. :D


Active Member
If th
Why? For what purpose exactly? I'm legitimately curious as to why you'd spend your time trolling a cannabis growing forum?

Is it simply for a dopamine rush or something?
If that's what you call sitting here with a big ass grin on face, yes I guess so :D


Well-Known Member
If th

If that's what you call sitting here with a big ass grin on face, yes I guess so :D
Just curious. I just can't put myself into a mindset where I can comprehend why someone would spend their time intentionally trying to cause discord, when it is just as easy to provide assistance and help.

Is it because you lack in growing skills and you're lashing out due to frustration?

Honestly, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I am legitimately trying to get an understanding. I think it will help me in the future when I run into others like you.


Well-Known Member
Just curious. I just can't put myself into a mindset where I can comprehend why someone would spend their time intentionally trying to cause discord, when it is just as easy to provide assistance and help.

Is it because you lack in growing skills and you're lashing out due to frustration?

Honestly, I'm not trying to pick a fight. I am legitimately trying to get an understanding. I think it will help me in the future when I run into others like you.
I think we are just dealing with a juvenile. Whether physically or just mentally. His name supports my theory.


Well-Known Member
I went my mcc go full 12 weeks flower and it’s a heavy indin looked done at week 10 but I said I want this to be my smoke so I let it go extra long more weight and more narcotic weed for me