help with these leaves!!


New Member
hey everyone, just had a quick question about the condition of these leaves. plant is about 2 months old and about to go into flower within the month. Randomly the leaves just dried up all the way at the bottom. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



New Member
great thanks bro, and also i only feed them like once a week and give them nutes once every 2 week, is that still too much?
what strain you using ? and feed it when they need it lift the pot if its light feed if heavy like theres still water leave it , usally evey 2-3days and I fed mine nutes every feeding just half of the recommended doasage

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
It kind of depends of your astrological sign. If you are an earth sign then putting a little mustard on a neighborhood cat and running around the block with it could help but you definitely should not do that if you are a water sign. If you are a fire or salami sign then taking a course in non violent communications at the junior college would work really well.
this is my first one by my self I had a mix to 4 indica 4 sativa I grew from seed I vedged the sativa 6 weeks the indica 5 the flowerd them together but you can veg aslong as you want depends how much room you you got my genral rule is flip them when they are up to my hip they still will grow in flowreing for 2-3weeks so far so good with mine they ended up being 6 ft 2 I removed all the bottom leaves and little growths at the bottom so all the energy will be redirected in to the top colas, hope I was help :) if you get stuck ask me any other time I can tell you what iv done so far all is going really well at the moment
so flip at the hip after look how big they grew after so on you next one you can judge when you should flip it so it finishes wear you want it :)