Help with Sexing my plants

Chronic 666

New Member
Hey guys, I'm growing 2 outdoor plants this year.
But I'm having trouble sexing the outdoor ones, although they look like males to me.
One is bushy and the other is taller. Can somebody help identify them? Pics below. All help is appreciated.

This one is bush:

Bushy2.jpg Bushy3.jpg

& Here is the taller one:

Tall2.jpg Tall3.jpg

Thanks again everyone.


Well-Known Member
a little early. you'll know for sure within a few days. kinda look like they are going to be female. just can't guarantee it. I didn't see hairs in the pics.


Well-Known Member
try getting some closer pictures. get right up in there. people can judge better with closer pictures.


Well-Known Member
Sideways plants are unisex.
Just kidding.
It's still a little early to tell, IMO, but if I HAD to guess right now, I would say pics 1 and 2 are girlies, and the last ones still have no genitals.


Well-Known Member
I totally jacked that for my signature. sorry. i'll keep the name edited unless you want it all there. lol