help with seedling!


Active Member
ok so i recently put my germinated seed into my soil and has been 2-3 days since then and my seed still hasnt broke through the surface:cry:
i planted it about 1/4" under the soil and wen i got impatient and dug it up a lil bit i saw a big white root and the seeds shell split. wat do i do?!:confused:


Active Member
if you broke the root ur fuked for sure u killed it.
u need to be patient man i planted 10 seeds last week all germanated most where through within 2 days but one held back and didnt pop out till 2 days after the others but thats the way it gos.
if u didnt harm the root i wud of covererd it bak over wi soil n seen if i maybe got away wi it.
just av to try again.