Help with orangeish brown/transparent spots on plant


Hey y'all. Am on a late start with 3 plants in socal that are about 25 days old now. One of them has these orange spots that you can even see through. But it is hard to see in the pictures. These spots are only on this one leaf but I have noticed a little bit of orangeish gunk on the plants that I can kind of wipe off sometimes. Not sure what it is. Also thereare some random white spots but I can wipe them off as well. not sure what it is. Here are some pics of the plants photo3.jpgphoto2.jpgphoto4.jpgphoto5.jpg


Well-Known Member
Did you maybe spill something on them? I get sloppy sometimes feeding my plants and ill drip some nute liquid on the leaves and they look very similar to yours.


hmmm I don't think so. I just started giving them nutes a few days ago and that plant had that spot beforehand. Although before you could see through the leaf and now it seems like its filling back in. Not sure. My parents also smoke cigs out there on the deck and I've heard that can cause problems with plants. could that look like this?


Well-Known Member
I'm not that experienced. I'm sure others on here would have some better ideas. I was just relating to what I've seen on my plants. GL.