Help With Nutes (Giving +Rep For Good AnsweR)


Active Member
Strain: Seedsman Whitewidow
Location: Indoor
Into: Soil (Using Pro Mix)
Light: 600w Hps

Im wondering; which nutes,fertz and other adds i should buy for my ladies

I Live in Canada Btw


Well-Known Member
Strain: Seedsman Whitewidow
Location: Indoor
Into: Soil (Using Pro Mix)
Light: 600w Hps

Im wondering; which nutes,fertz and other adds i should buy for my ladies

I Live in Canada Btw
if its your first grow you should probably just start with some fox farm soil and just water them until you get the hang of it then next grow you can worry about all the extra stuff


Active Member
Strain: Seedsman Whitewidow
Location: Indoor
Into: Soil (Using Pro Mix)
Light: 600w Hps

Im wondering; which nutes,fertz and other adds i should buy for my ladies

I Live in Canada Btw
Best bet is to get FoxFarm liquid nutes. I also advise making a cooltube for that 600w!

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
if your gonna use the fox farms lineup.... make sure its Ocean Forest Organic soil. its the best to go with the line of nutrients, grow big, big bloom etc.

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
kool bloom, bat guano, and mollases (5-10%) greater yield. your crop would be organic BASED with some sythetics in there(kool bloom)
Would this below be enough FROM SEEDING TO HARVESTING?

Fox Farm Liqui TriPAck

Hygrozome (Grozyme)
Liquid Karma
Dark Green

Bloom Additives:

Kool Bloom
Big Bud
No bro get the GROW BIG, BIG BLOOM AN TIGER BLOOM...but dont give grow big until week 3 or 4 especially if u use soil thats high in nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Those nutes should b more than fine until u get the hang of it - its ur 1st grow, so i wouldnt go for ridiculous yield, just concentrate on keeping your plants alive long enough and healthy enough to harvest.
Feed half strength every over feed in that soil and u should b looking at some sweet nugs!


Active Member
Those nutes should b more than fine until u get the hang of it - its ur 1st grow, so i wouldnt go for ridiculous yield, just concentrate on keeping your plants alive long enough and healthy enough to harvest.
Feed half strength every over feed in that soil and u should b looking at some sweet nugs!
exellent! im trying to find some foxfarm ocean soil here but sound like there none in canada !! It sux... i dont know if promix is as good as FoxFarm.

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
it'll probably be just as good. they have a few varieties of the soil. i just found that ocean forest is best for what i do. good luck sir


Active Member
the question is; would the nutes and fertz be as good with promix then using it with Foxfarm cuz im low on money and dunno if i can afford everything lol! (My First Grow :P)


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, they would work fine - ppl get good results with just a flood n drain - thats just water n nutes - adding soil has alot of micro nutrients in it to go with the Macro nutrients u r adding.
Ive seen good results in ppl just using normal soil that u find in ur backyard.
I'll find a link for you to demonstrate. Gimme a few minutes.
the question is; would the nutes and fertz be as good with promix then using it with Foxfarm cuz im low on money and dunno if i can afford everything lol! (My First Grow :P)
really bro i would just use good ph'ed water for awhile then maybe right before u flower go with some veg nutes(grow big).
most quality soil including pro mix u can just water it comes loaded with good nutes that are consumed over time.
you can use FF nutes w/ any soil.


Active Member
IMHO....most of the nutrients out there are a waste of your money. Just get something for veg and something for bloom. Don't stress over the fox farms soil and don't waste a ton of money on 20 different types of nutrients and additives. It's very tempting...those guys spend alot of money to convince us growers we'll be blown away by their latest product...but in a side by side will rarely see any difference.

Just treat them good and they'll treat you good!



Active Member
my first grow i used earth juice. i bought grow bloom and catalyst. it was easy to use and i got great results. there is no crazy feeding schedule you have to follow. i was also feeding it molasses during flowering.