Help with NUTES and GROWING???

I am currently using no NUTES and my plant is 5 days old.
1-Is there a way to make natural NUTES from any objects?
2- How often should i water?
If i start my Flowering stage ASAP.....
3-How long would it be before i can harvest?
4- How long would it be before it starts budding?



Active Member
Some items I know can be used from household objects, not to say you would want to do this as a method to add netes but if you wanted to do it you can.

Crushed egg shells, in a blender makes powder... Molassee, then epson salt, and cow shit / weeds, and compost in a 5gal bucket of water with a airhose and let it sit for 6-10 days and make some compost tea....

Water your plants but then again, if your growing to yeild a mount id spend the extra money to use proper stuff...Also this isnt a fast process to rush...I'd suggest that you veg for min 30 days, I do it for 45 days after the clone has taken root... Then I will flower for 6weeks, but to each there own.


Well-Known Member
1 organics are cheap fella , pissing on soil etc isnt the easiest , well rotted horse shit can be hard to get

2 when they need it ? pick them up , if there light they need water , if not they dont , that simple

3 how longs my cock ? impossible to answer without knowing the whens wheres and hows , pure sat assuming your indoors and already vegged call it aug , thats how vague

4 , i checked the crystal ball and it didnt have a clue , if indoors you decide


Active Member
Take a shit anf smear it in your soil... Lol jokes just go an buy a bottle for 10 bucks! Will be thankfull after. The secret to great buds in the food.


Active Member
Even Miracle Grow is only 5 bucks, or 15-20 for maxibloom and you can do the Lucas formula, tried that last grow and it worked out well.