Help with my switchable 400w HPS/ MH plz!!


Active Member
I have a 400w HPS with a MH conversion bulb in it and it has trouble turning on. It is very new still and was purchased from HTG Supply just 2 months ago. I know that it should take a few min to boot up to full power but mine won't even light up after long periods of time, Instead there is just a little lightning bolt looking thing that stays going but never completely lights up.

How can this be??? What can I do???

Thanks thanks thanks


Active Member
What type of ballast is it ? Digital Ballast have trouble starting MH conversion bulbs. If th e lamp looks like lighting inside that means it is trying to fire the gas inside the bubble like glass inside the bulb. So your igniter in the ballast is to weak for that lamp or the lamp is no good it's possible even with a $60 bulb

Ask an electrician he knows


Active Member
Also waste of money on the MH conversion Should have just sprung the extra bucks and got an hortilux by Eye


Active Member
Nope it was just a defective bulb. I put my spare in and so far its been working just fine. Also, I contacted HTG and they are sending me a replacement for free. Good deal right?

Thanks 4 the help tho