help with my flowering white rhino!? paper cuppling leaves!?


Im looking into my crystal ball... its starting to clear up. I see that your light is to close and your fan speed is too fast


ahh you have are a very good crystal ball. i will try taping the branch further away from the bulb. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Maybe too high ferts as well, just my guess on top of the obvious heat from the light. Peace


Well-Known Member
light is way to close. also try and keep your fan facing away from the plants but still providing circulation for the next few days.try watering the foliage just after lights out.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I dunno...the lower branch leaves are curling too, you might be getting extra crispy due to too many nutes as well. What's your temp at?


My temps are at 73 - 78. Its mainly at the top I tried moving the light higher but she keeps grow. I'm at my max height and its only end of wk 4 of flowering. I added the nutes today and also cal-mag. Some open sesame,tiger bloom, big bloom, beastie bllomz,and some super thrive. Sorry bout poor response. Doing this on mobile.


Active Member
That kind of cupping comes from heat/light/dryness. People have asked about temps and light distance. What's your RH? Are you in a dry climate?


Well-Known Member
How big is the light? Do I see single leaf formation on the top of the plant?
How tall is the plant and how many weeks into flowering?
After thinking about it I have the same problem.
My plants in rock wool are cupping the ones in ffof ain't?
So I'm thinking it's the ph is off in the rock wool. But then the plants
look real heathy with a nice green color and shine to them?

Picture 324.jpgPicture 321.jpgPicture 322.jpgPicture 320.jpg


Well-Known Member
How big is the light? Do I see single leaf formation on the top of the plant?
How tall is the plant and how many weeks into flowering?
After thinking about it I have the same problem.
My plants in rock wool are cupping the ones in ffof ain't?
So I'm thinking it's the ph is off in the rock wool. But then the plants
look real heathy with a nice green color and shine to them?

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The reason i said too much ferts or salt build up is because when a plant tends to get too much fertilizer the leaves, especially the top leaves, go real dark green, at first they go real shiny and it looks like they are doing nice and healthy, there like at max grow mode cause they got every fert they need and more. Eventually these high ferts overpower the plant and the top turns dull very dark green whilst bottom and top leaves show burn signs and leaf drop. I often see my plants look like yours but they are overferted. Try see if you can underfert the next plants you germinate to see where the happy medium with ferts is. Now not that this or yours is overferted but i do strongly notice leaf edge curling and twisting as well as those big ridges on older fan leaves, what can i say but probably the plant is trying its hardest to process as much water and ferts as possible and either transpiring too much or the stomata have already given up.Yer it dose look like heat stress and temps but overferting will do the same especially when the leaves go from shiny to dark green. New growth dose look nice but soon turns dark also.Took me little over two weeks from the time i flushed from overferting to get my plants back to being almost normal and new growth staying a fresh green not dark and ugly. Probably some nutrients have locked too, purple stalks etc etc but this is only a guess.Ghetto your plant is definatly trying to tell you somthing, i know little of rockwool or pH in it but if all is sweet then consider the ferts are slightly too strong or possibly over time it has caused slight salt buildup. I dint even think you could get salt buildup in rockwool but i know little about it. Please consider what i have said, i dont say its the cause or fix but merely a very good observation. Peace


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the wall of words, this comp wont let me put spaces in between paragraphs tonigt, how annoying. Peace


Well-Known Member
When I prepared the rock wool I may of put a little to many ppms in the final flush. I like to flush'em but they really don't need watering yet. I might go flush 1 now to see what it does before I flush the other two and just see what will happen! After flushing it drooping really bad from over watering oh well as good as the ffof looks who cares?


Well-Known Member
Yer it is suspect that the soil ones are doing better than the rockwool plants but hell in soil i would say overferted, i seen your soil plants before and made the same comment. Yer it could be pH heat or one or two other things but if all these variables are perfect then i think your just left with fert issues, nice plants though reguardless.

I see twisting and leaf edge curl even cupping from too much ferts, if it never gets any worse normally it will be ok but if i add more ferts on top then i get severe burn. Just somthing to consider, as yet i have seen no one really nail down why leaves curl and twist when there is no heat or pH problem so at least if im that wrong there was little to suggest otherwise and seeing it in my soil plants really bugged me out so i took my time to solve it, i could post pics of leaves like yours where i solved the problem with less ferts but that would be too embarrising for me to have to admit i recently had over fert problems.

Easy to do on the next grow is allow one plant to remain underferted and see the difference, that is if you dont end up rectifying the problem here, some of my plants just grow out of it but some dont, people also tell me purple stalks and stems are normal but to me this is also a sign of problems, only purple strains should be purple imo. Peace


Well-Known Member
Basically i hate posting pics unless my plants look perfect, i too have had the same problems in soil as you Ghetto, just recently too, shame im so vain or i would show you the before and after from high ferts on the same plant as once its leaves cupped at the ends and went dark dark green then i flushed and it completly stopped and never came back.

Damn i been misjudging the ferts recently, what dose it is my plants look real healthy, fast growing and lush so i assume it wants more food, big mistake, reason why people say underfeed not overfeed is because it is so dam hard and takes so long to recover from an overdose as oppose to a deficiency, stunted a flowering plant for two weeks whilst it recovered, how embarrising. Peace


Well-Known Member
If your not having trouble your not growing:lol:
My plants in the ffof haven't been fed yet!
I'm thinking they need feeding this is why their drooping and the stem feels a soft!
They about 3 weeks old total from seed, It's time to feed'em isn't it? I'm
trying to let'em dry out better before I feed. This is the same plant 4 days ago and today, the first pic is the day after watering and it's been looking funnier by the day. The pic today see the leave tip is loosen color on the tip I'm thinking this is the way of it showing it needs to be fed! Today it's gone 5 days without watering maybe tomorrow?

Picture 275.jpgPicture 325.jpg


Well-Known Member
The second pic dosent look like it needs feeding just yet imo, yer it is looking better than the first pic but to me that is the colour you want to aim for, much healthier instead of that dark green. There is no deficiency there so why feed yet, nutes in soil might be good for another week or so.

The first pic looks like it is struggling with the nutes in the soil, the second pic looks like it has come to an equilibrium with those nutes in the soil.

Feed it by all means but if it goes back to looking the same shade as in the first pic then you know damn well that you just added too many ferts again.

Notice the purple stalks dissapearing and new growth starting to look good, why fert this its growing fine, first deficiency you should notice would be Nitrogen deficiency generally and i see no sign of this whatsoever.

Anyway dont take anything i say as right or wrong more a consideration to observe when you do add ferts. Simply put you didnt add ferts and the plant got better over time, hope this fits in well with what i just said. At least leave one plant unferted if you do add ferts, this is a more sensible way to work out any fert issues. Good luck man and stick to the soil growing if i was you, nah just kidding grow in every medium you can for max experience. Peace