help with lights and cords

The Metal Veg

Active Member
i asked someone this question earlier but im high as hell and cant for life of me figure out where i asked it, how do u splice in 3 lights to run off from one extention cord? does this help with lighting bill and is it safe to do or will i blow my bulbs?


Well-Known Member
How big are the lights? I think the extension cord should have a tag that gives a rating for how much it can take - add up your 3 lights amperage and see if it's under that amount. And, while your at it - if they're bigger lights, make sure your breaker can handle it all.
If they're small, and just normal plugs, then you can just buy a cheap 3-way splitter for the end of the cord.
And, I can't see how it would help your bill at all - the lights will draw the same power either way.