Help with hydro , stealth grow


Active Member

I'm building a grow cabinet inside of an old dresser, my idea is that i can have an continous grow with a veg room and flower room. On the side would be clones and mothers in a different place tho.

veg. room specs:
-2.5ft x 1.5ft x 2.5ft
-150 watt hps security light rigged
-Axial Fan 6" w/ Cord 235CFM + fan speed

flower room specs:
-2.5ft x 1.5ft x 2.5ft
-150 watt hps

what would be the best kind of hydroponics for this set up? If I grow it, it will be SCROG, if i could accurately find out how much i can get off a harvest, if you know the formula it'd be much appreciated.
thanks for your time.