Help with grow!


Well-Known Member
How's it goin guys, I'm pretty much a noob here.. (well.. growing that is!) and I want to start growing in a couple of months. I'll be living in an apartment, sharing a room, with 2 others in the house (didn't tell em my plans yet - can it be hidden? Or will the smell leak out to the whole apartment?). I have a pretty small room, but I plan to build or buy a box. My plan is to have a separate box for clones and veg. states, and another box for the flowering (max 2-3 plants). I don't plan to have huge monsters, but probably start the flowering at a foot or so.

So here's the thing, I want to build (if it's easy enough) a box for these, or maybe buy one (any recommendations??) What other material do I need? Box, water, lighting and timer, fan, ferts, mylar, pots, soil? I'm also going to try to see if my friend can hook me up with a clone from the Club :blsmoke:. I plan on cycling - once I harvest, the vegs go in to flowering, and clones ready to be vegged, and then I clone again in a bit. How does that sound?

I know this is a bit long, but a noob needs help. I really want to grow. Blaze on guys, thanks in advanced. :eyesmoke: