Help with deficiency spots

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Hi guys,
I am at my first grow, and my babies are showing deficiency spots an curv on the leafs edge,as you can see from pic.
The third pic, is the one who started 3 days ago, then one more, and now the bigger one on pic 1, is getting yellow on one spot, and leafs are curving as well.

Here the ebtire setup:
In a closet 38"x20"x50"H.

8 pots with coco and perlite are about 1,7gal (planning to flower at 20" for a sog)

Using GHE go box at half strengt, plus Sensi Cal Mag xtra full dose with osmotic water. (should i double up the cal mag?)

Lights are two LED boards 3500k here the description link.

Temp is 27°c
Humidity about 50%
6 days now since cotyledons appeared.

Please help asap to understand if is serious, thank you all!
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