help with curing

b trip000

can any one tell me from experience what is the shortest time u can cure for .
and still have decent buds. and how often should i open the jar


Well-Known Member
3 weeks, imo. my friend turns out good commercial dank, with a three-week cure. that being said.........longer is more betterer


Active Member
Shortest time? 0 minutes. Curing is inessential to the thc, or readiness of a bud to smoke. Assuming they are dryed properly (about 1 week, 4 day minimum). Curing only enhances the products smell, taste, and smoothness, it does not increase potency, and although a good idea, not necessary.


Active Member
Its a good idea, for sure, and more time is better, I have a friend who cures for 3 month minimum. I however take a more practical approach, I tend to let go of about 1/3 of it before any curing, and the remainder I continue to cure as I go through it, so the end of the batch has usually cured a full month. Not ideal, but it works. I basicaly don't allow curing to dictate the use of my product, but rather allow everything that is not being utilized, to continuously cure for as long as possible.