Help with commercial grow license and such in Colorado


Well-Known Member
Searching this subject brings up lots of information and answers a lot of questions, just not all. I'm currently not a resident but have been dreaming to live in CO since I was a kid. My current career has been kind of boring and it's time for a change! Now I understand I need to be a resident for two years and am planing a trip shortly to get that settled. Also, of course, a trip to a local marijuana attorney while there.

Fortunately, I do have a close business partner to help back financially and has been begging me to start a fully legal operation and make some money from a new venture. I've been in the garden since I was a kid and took care of 80+ Rose bushes in our yard. Gardening and horticulture has been in my blood..

What are the current fees for all licenses that are required? Link if possible
I cannot find a plant count other than the extension counts. What is the plant count for just a medical grower? And/or recreational grower?
Any guides on here I couldn't find?
Costs that young guys and gals have calculated for starting this all up?

I'm normally a troll here and am amazed at the knowledge and advice that this forum puts out. I can't begin to say how great it is to know that the awesome people here at RIU can help me and point me in the right direction. I know I'm forgetting some things but I'm not expecting to get everything I need to know in one night.
A point that should be made is that just how many lic are still available?
How saturated is the market out there?
Keep in mind some communities are not friendly to disp. in their area.

You need to take a trip there and investigate the situation.

HEY, SNAPS,,,,,you should weigh in on this one!
Dr. Who is right yo. Yu may not be able to buy a license anymore. I've been trying to here in Washington with no luck. They were sellin only so many at one point. Seems for those of us who missed out, will have to ride the medicial/illegal grow ops to be able to produce.
Good luck

Sir KK
Thank you both for the tips so far. I know this is going to be a rough journey so this is just the beginning.

I do see that warehouses are in short supply and the ones that are seem way over priced...
gonna be looking at about $20,000 for the licenses alone, and easily a quarter million minimum before you can turn on the first light.
Found a warehouse for 800k that was rags...

Can a commercial grow of a few hundred plants be done for under 300k for sure? Or will it for sure be 500k realistically?
Found a warehouse for 800k that was rags...

Can a commercial grow of a few hundred plants be done for under 300k for sure? Or will it for sure be 500k realistically?

my realtor's buddy had over 3 million laid into his initial buildout.

probably gonna be closer to half a mil for sure.
Thanks for the help guys. there's no money to be made if you just have a co - op obviously. Unless you're doing against the law as I understand. I'm talking about the setup people have to grow a bunch of people's meds. Not just 2 or 3 people.
I'll be headed out there and meet up with an attorney of course but I can't see getting over 500k if it's possible. Sure hope it is...
One of the main requirements is that you need a minimum time as a resident and pass a rigorous background check .
Found a warehouse for 800k that was rags...

Can a commercial grow of a few hundred plants be done for under 300k for sure? Or will it for sure be 500k realistically?
so you've researched real-estate, but you need help with paper-work info.? that doesn't sound right, lol. another dreamer wanting to make it big in the co. pot biz! don't waste your time in co. it's pretty much sewn up. n.m. is wide open, but i think folks shy away cause they don't feel there's enough dough to be made, wrong! lol...
I've literally just started researching this and am not dreaming of making it big. I have the right intentions and have a descent backing in liquid.

Maybe what I've read is wrong, totally could be. But it seems a lot of dispensaries run dry at times. I'm sure there's plenty of people to fill that void but isn't this where it all starts. I'm looking at a passion and an adventure here but if it's going to take over 500k to start small then the gun fight is too big.
You might consider looking at Northern Colorado - in the corridor between Loveland and Fort Collins. The community is not quite as friendly - dispensaries are actually banned in the city limits of Loveland and Longmont - but as a result there's not much competition. The few dispensaries that are located just outside city limits are cleaning up. Ft. Collins is more dispensary-friendly but there still doesn't seem to be a huge selection.