Help with bonsai mum

I know It's clearly stated on cannabase and all over forums, but I want to be sure before I butcher a baby the wrong way. Plus I have a few other questions to go along with it. (I'm also unsure whether to post this in hydro or not but I'm assuming it will be more forgiving in the noob section)

So, correct me if I'm retarded..Bonsai mums. First can I run a bonsai mum in a bubble bucket like I would a regular mom? or should it be ran in a different hydro set up?
I only ask because every tutorial I've read through is done in soil, and I'm running hydro.

okay so short take-I take what would have been a typical clone from an existing plant, and run it in the cloner until it roots..then I veg it until it has what seems to be 4-5 nodes in the pictures? then trim the top off back a node, so the stem splits correct? let them veg until the growth from the last cut is 5" then cut it back off but right after the new node? and just keep on repeating this? I found it hard to understand lol, it's like the tutorials are both very straight foward and also at the same time worded in a way my brain just can't comprehend.
Damn, I had another pretty useful question to ask but totally forgot. Whatever, thank you for your time.

Goodnight riu.


Well-Known Member
bonsai is simple. dont over complicate it. it can be grown in any medium and to put it simply. you simply pick how big you want to keep it then just keep pruning it back to keep it that size. eventually when it starts to get root bound you simply trim the roots back this helps stunt the plant and keep it small.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
1 gal bucket hempy mum in Hydroton is my choice.low nute/light for nonproduction.higher nute/light for production.8x8 inch lst'ed.allways leave some leaf sets and never let it be a bare branch Charlie Brown bare brancher for harder chance to recover.