help with a flood and drain system


Active Member
:wall: hello all i've been growing for a few years now mainly hand waterd hydroponics and bubbler buckets i've got a 1.2 mtr buy 1.2 mtr and 2mtr high grow tent i would like to put in a flood and drain table to fit snuggly into the room i have 16 or so small square pots about 2 litres each i was thinking of filling each pot with rockwool and filling outthe rest of the tray with clayballs i'll probably only have to flood once a day because the rockwool should hold more water,,,,,,,also should add i'll be growing chronic (serious seeds) as i already have the clones ready to go....any thoughts on this would be appreciated and any info on how long i flood the tray each time i water would be two

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i do flood and drain to have been for about 15 years and i go simple totes and a pump and perlite as for watering i use a recycle timer so i cana djust it as they get bigger as clones i start off with 2 min on every hour till they get going then cut it back to 3 times a day for a week to get the roots to spread out more in search or water by the end of the run im at 10 min on 30 min off. perlite is almost impossaable to over water were as rockwool you can i hate it perlite is plug and plsy doent need ph'ed or anyhting heres a link to my flood and drain grow if you have any ?s pm me


Active Member
thanks for the reply i would like to stick to rockwool though hopefully they will be big eaters and i can water them twice a you use vermiculite aswell as perlite i read you thread your light regime seems odd never heard anyone doing that before but if it works for ya good stuff

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
no i neevr use vermiculite it holds in to much water plus i had it plug up a system when i first started and flood the shit out of my floor. but dro isnt all about the water its about getting the nutes in it to the roots as much as you can get away with. i used the rockwool i didnt like it imo it holds to much water and the root growth dont even compare to what you get in perlite. the perlite and method i use is almost like hydro and aero together because it forces the old air out and draws fresh in when it drains you get way more o2 to the root zone in perlite. plus i can get a years worth the perlite for under $20 were to do the wool right you need dif size blocks coco mats so on and so forth you have to cover the blocks if you doing a sog your limited to how many you can cram in by the size blocks they r useing so and so forth but thats just my reasons many people have just as good grows with them they do work

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
i checked it out i mean flood and drain is prety cut and dry im not rockwool expert but the little i did play with it i didnt like it i thought it stayed to wet for what i was tryen to to do i just dont know the dial in point for rockwool. thats y i like the perlite its almost fullproof hold more air dains off better and its almost imposable to over water this ='s more feedings


Active Member
might have a crack at perlite then i liked the idea of using rockwool first becuase its more or less how i do it now one feed a day automated instead of hand watering 20 odd pots each morning

humble learner

Well-Known Member
I'm an experienced RW grower and it has served me well....I don't use anything except 4"x4" RW cubes in 4x8 flood trays and have no problems what so ever. I don't put anything in the tray except rockwool blocks and it allows me to fit 32 plants per light and using the lollipop technique guarantees me all nice main colas and no small buds. I can throw some pics up if any one wants to see.

humble learner

Well-Known Member
once a day, I let them soak for no more then 2 5.7 and keep ppms relatively low throughout the grow with the exception of a couple heavy feedings.

humble learner

Well-Known Member
It's my opinion that if you're going to do flood n drain the best option is to use 6"x6" or 4"x4" rockwool blocks and use sea of green technique and lollipop all the plants. I don't even use reservoirs, I water all plants by hand...sometimes I top feed and sometimes I just use a 5 gallon bucket(drawing water from a 40 gallon trash can) and fill the tray with water and let it drain to waste. Other growers and myself have hit 1 gram per watt using this technique, I've seen 12 Lbs on 6 lights, 8 LBs on 4 lights, 3 LBs on 2 lights with this method.

If you're only using 1 light then you should only be watering once every other day(assuming you're pulling heat from the light and venting it out of the room).
sorry to threadjack
hi there humble learner
im having the same question too with rockwool feeding
i'm using the 6x6 hugo rockwool cubes and i'm flooding the tray for 15mins on my timer once a day
do i need to completely let the rockwool cubes dry out before it gets fed the next day ???
i heard that you can't mess up with overfeeding using rockwool cubes, you just have to watch out for the ph level spiking
i'm on 12/12 hrs

humble learner

Well-Known Member
You can over feed in rock wool, they recover faster in rock wool though. It's bad to let the rock wool "completely" dry out, roots don't like to be dry. A good way to test if you need to water is by picking up the rock wool block and judging by weight.