Help With 3'x4' Area.


I just had a few quick questions about my situation. I tried to look on other threads but they weren' quite relative to my problem(s). Or maybe i'm retarded? :(

Me and my buddy were desperately wanting to grow for lack of money and plainly were tired of getting ripped off. We buy from some scary bastards.

We were thinking about using my friends 3x4 outside utility room on his porch. He lives on the top floor of apt complex. Anywhoser.

Is this appropriate for quality growing?
If yes, How much could I reasonably grow in such a small area? Any helpful tips or pointers to get this off the ground? It is summer and we live in Florida aka hell. What preventative measures can we take to counter the extreme heat?

We are moderately poor as fuck but are willing to do everything we can to make this work. Thank you in advance on behalf of my buddy & me :) You'll be helping us more than you can imagine.


Well-Known Member
first, thing is you gotta be patient. You will get a response but it may take a lil bit.

As far as your questions. I believe you said this is a closet on a porch of an apartment complex? iF SO YOU ARE TAKING A BIG RISK! However that will be completely up to you. The amount and quality you can grow will be completely up to you. It takes experience to grow quality marijuana. Anyone CAN grow quality marijuana. Your are is a good size for growing 6-10 normal sized plants. Some people say 1 square foot per plant 4x3 =12. But it alld epends on your method of growth. SOG method allows you to grow many smaller plants. Heat will be an issue in an area this small. Depending upon your lights you may need to air condition on run exaust fans. There aer many examples on this site of people growing inareas similar to your size. I just finished constructing a 3x3x7 area myself. I am having ti install an a/c unit to get my temps down cuase of 600w bulb. My best advice with the vague question you are asking is yes you can grow quality cannabis in your size area. Read and research and you will find all the info you need. Make sure to check out the FAQ secttion it is very helpful.


sorry I am impatient I admit. super flaw!!! im just so freakin eager to do it. I finally am getting my income tax check and figured cape diem man!

thank you for your help!!! Off to the Q&A!!! I dont wanna be one of "those" guys lol.