Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?


5 weeks old, using 5 gal pots w/ FFOF. could someone tell me whats wrong and how i should go about fixing it?

the first 2 pictures are of the same autoflowering plant, the other two are two different normal fem seeds

My Photo 54.jpgMy Photo 55.jpgMy Photo 56.jpgMy Photo 57.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea its def the grower... Nothin wrong with ur plants... Get rid of the grower he sucks


Weed Modifier
Yea its def the grower... Nothin wrong with ur plants... Get rid of the grower he sucks
so does your post! there is a small issue with these ones, do you not see it? and you say he sucks? haha

looks like it could be a cal/mg def? what nutes are you feeding her if any?


Active Member
Its not a cal mag deficiency, its failure to maintain an eye of the soil ph levels and has cause the roots to lock out certain nutes due to PH imbalance, cant say this enough get a PH tester ASAP petco 5 bucks


Active Member
Sorry i didnt include a fix, like i said get a tester, but you can also get liquid dolomite lime its fast acting and will add calcium and mag 1 tbs not tsp per gallon every other feeding will do wanders.


Well-Known Member
No ph meter.... Yup the grower def sucks..... First thing a grower should have!!.... Cal/mg def is not always the problem bro!


Sorry i didnt include a fix, like i said get a tester, but you can also get liquid dolomite lime its fast acting and will add calcium and mag 1 tbs not tsp per gallon every other feeding will do wanders.
I'll order a tester from amazon right now. On the feeding chart for the nute line I got it said "Adjusting nutrient pH is not necessary" so i thought I could get away without having to deal with that but I guess not. Instead of dolomite lime, could I just use CaMg+ ?


Weed Modifier
No ph meter.... Yup the grower def sucks..... First thing a grower should have!!.... Cal/mg def is not always the problem bro!
What is your problem? you like bashing new members? you will not last long here with that attitude:mrgreen:

i didn't say it was(could) is a deficiency of some sort hard to tell by those pics!
ph is very important for intake of nutes... lockout can show signs of deficiency! one or even multiple deficiencies ;)

1/4 strength old are they now? least im trying to help here not like some?


Active Member
I'll order a tester from amazon right now. On the feeding chart for the nute line I got it said "Adjusting nutrient pH is not necessary" so i thought I could get away without having to deal with that but I guess not. Instead of dolomite lime, could I just use CaMg+ ?
No you will get salt build up if you do not fix the ph problem which is what the dolomite lime is realy for it is a PH buffer it will not alot the PH to go to high or to low and it will add just enough cal and mg trust me on this one try to get some liquid dolomite lime and 1tbs per gallon every other feeding then for 2 ft or more plants 2 tbs every other feeding


Weed Modifier
Its not a cal mag deficiency, its failure to maintain an eye of the soil ph levels and has cause the roots to lock out certain nutes due to PH imbalance, cant say this enough get a PH tester ASAP petco 5 bucks
Sorry i didnt include a fix, like i said get a tester, but you can also get liquid dolomite lime its fast acting and will add calcium and mag 1 tbs not tsp per gallon every other feeding will do wanders.
possibly but you kinda contradicted your posts there...?


Weed Modifier
No ph meter.... Yup the grower def sucks..... First thing a grower should have!!.... Cal/mg def is not always the problem bro!
you suck for posting garbage!

Didn't say it was ALWAYS the dont try to put word in my mouth.


ok, ill get the dolomite tomorrow. i should have the ph meter within a couple of days, should i adjust the water + liquid dolomite to a certain ph before watering?


Active Member
Your using FFOF from what i read. Yes definately test everything you feed your plants for PH levels. 6.8 is a good PH for FFOF it tends to be lower around 5.6-6.0 you want around 6.3 balance thats what the dolomite lime for FFOF is naturally acidic (slightly). You didnt say anything about nutes? yo u gonna go FF for nutes as well it would be your best bet when your using FFOF the liquid nutes for soil grows is exceptional and contains trace minerals!


Active Member
Five weeks old is definately a good time to start feeding them once your ph is under control right now the salts would just build up so no point to feeding them before you fix your PH. As the roots would not be able to absord certain nutes at a low PH.


Active Member
And dont get antsy and overdude the dolomite lime it will work with time for sure dont add to much or feed it to your plants everytime they eat.


Well-Known Member
I dont post garbage! And the problem here according to u was cal/mag def... So with that bein said .... I dont suck... You do... Learn basic botanic care


Weed Modifier
How so? i think you misread. i recommended a PH tester and a PH buffer because i beleave he has a ph imbalance? wheres the contradiction my friend?
Oh i agree with your ph balance...just seemed odd you you said its not a cal/mg def... but yet you suggested lime(buffer).... it adds some cal/mg not arguing with yah man...Really....peace :)