Help! What's is wrong with her?


Well-Known Member
Bit more info dude. Need to know your pH, temperature conditions, grow medium, feed and water. That sort of thing.

Soil pH should be between 6 &7. Otherwise you start getting nutrients being locked out.


Well-Known Member
1st time grower. Not alot of preparation was put into it.

Haven't tested ph but should be within the sweet spot range temp conditions aren't great because UK weather and outdoors.
Medium isn't great but isn't the worst. Haven't gave her any kind of feed as of yet? And she gets plan old rain water and tap water.

You think it's grow conditions? Rather than pest related?


Well-Known Member
How cold/warm has it been. They don't really like anything under 15°c.

Could probably do with some feed. Key is to go lightly til they're more developed. Can't really suggest a nute for you. Unless you want to try a weak solution of worm bin runoff.

I'm newish myself. Doing my first indoor run after several failed outdoor attempts.

Really. All I can suggest is to look at the pinned posts with nutrients and plant problems.


Well-Known Member
I've been googling all day trying to find pictures to match it to but I can't find anything that looks remotely similar. I was thinking it was pest related as it sort of looks like they've been munched on sort of.

The temp here is like under 10 c at night and about 18-20 c peak in the day. She sort of seems to be looking better now.

Maybe the cold is getting to her?


Well-Known Member
I'd say she's getting too cold there dude. Got a clear container you can chuck over her during the night? Maybe make a small greenhouse. Just anything to protect her from that cold air.


Well-Known Member
Remember to let her breathe fresh air too though. And no problem. I try to help wherever I can.


Well-Known Member

There is nothing wrong with this seedling. Dont change anything and dont put a dome over it at night.
As long as the new growth is healthy you have nothing to worry about.