Help whats going on!?

Way too overwatered!! Repot her immediately into some dry soil. You only need to water once every few days, and only enough to get the soil damp. Cannabis doesn't like to get her feet that wet in soil!! When you water, let the soil dry out to a depth of 1/2" before you water again.


Well-Known Member
So its been about a week with this bag seed and it looks pretty bad. Any help guys?
You tell me and we'll both know. What the hell are you growing there, its not dope bro and what ever it is its not going to grow in that sludge youve prepared.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, thats some rough looking stuff.

MJ requires PLENTY of drainage. Cut holes in the bottom, put some slits in the sides, let that water drain out. You also need soil that will dry out fast, if your soil takes 2 weeks to dry out, its going to rot the roots.


Active Member
Yeah, that's not MJ. I hope that's not what you were trying to grow.

I hope you weren't smoking it either.


Active Member
lol, now that's a first...someone posting a pic of a plant they thought was MJ. You do know what MJ seeds look like, right? And you have seen pictures of MJ plants or seedlings, right? Well, maybe you haven't...


New Member
I looked at your other posts and at one point you were actually growing weed. What happened? Is this some sort of joke thread? In one of your other posts you put up another picture of something that is clearly not weed. Is it the same thing as this strange plant?