(Help)? what to do when growing big indoor plants...

When growing a large indoor plant is it better to over time transplant into multible step up size pots until i get to say a (10g?) or should i just put them straight intot he 10gal and let them grow?:


Well-Known Member
5 gal will be sufficient and whichever is more convenient. if it were me, i would use 5 gals from the start and save myself the trouble of transplanting


Well-Known Member
I agree with choop, a 5 gallon pot will allow you to grow for up to 5 months without becoming rootbound.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
for simplicity i would use a starter pot and a final pot and nothing in between. but there are a lot of growers who believe in the power of "upcanning" or multiple transplants. the thinking is that the roots get stimulated and after a brief recovery period take off harder than they would have without the transplant. i'm not sure if i believe in that but i've honestly never tried it. also remember that each time you transplant into fresh dirt it's essentially like adding fresh nutes, so you have to be aware and let them use up some of the new stuff before you go dumping full strength ferts on them.