Help! What should i do with this seedling?

I germinated and planted this seed into soil on Tuesday at 17:00 and its now Friday at 17:36 and it looks like this...

Might I add, this was the seed that germinated the largest and fastest but yet has been the slowest of the 4 to sprout. I have just this minute put the plant under a 60w fluorescent in hope the leaves are exposed enough to start to photosynthesise :S

Can some one tell me what I should do here to save this baby?


Active Member
Looks like your seed shell is stuck on the new growth. Mist it with a fine sprayer, let it sit for 10 minutes, find some tweezers, gently pick it off.... Take your time.

(That's what I'd do)

hahaha, what's up johny!
Thanks for the reply so soon! I actually... By coincidence already sprayed it lightly before putting it under light and i tried to pick it off with my finger nails but I thought if I use any more pressure I'll surely damage the seedling.