Help!! was just about to flower.

Dr Lg

Active Member
All of this has happened within a 2 day period. I just gave the 2 plants a 0-10-10 fertilizer last night thinking it was a potassium deficiency and because I was switching the light cycle but it only made things worse. 2 days ago leaves were MUCH better looking and a week ago they were completely green! These plants are monsters and I don't want them to go after how far they've gotten. I've had the same problem earlier in the veg cycle which caused some delayed growth but as you can see they overcame and grew to this size. The problem is back I'm clueless. The thing is I don't know how the problem was fixed in the first place. My gut instinct is salt buildup. I am flushing now because it is the only thing I know to do.


Well-Known Member
You've got nute burn big time. That fert is a PK especially for the 4th-5th week of flowering to boost bug production.

Even when u switch to 12:12 u should still be using a veg fer (higher in N) like 6- 2- 4 for eg. This goes on from the 18:6 veg period until abt the 3rd week of 12:12.

For now, do nothing except keep them on veg and remove 50% damaged leaves. Once they dry out use a very,very low dose of N in ur fert. U overdosed on the P & K not N so don't let that become a deficiency now.

U didn't say how much u flushed but i hope it was a good few times the container size.

I would take back up cuttings now in a glass of PH 6.0 water and put in the fridge. The damage could get worse - at least u will have loads of cuttings. Do it b4 the damage worsens.


Well-Known Member
When you say you had this problem before then it went away, and now it's back again, root-bound related deficiencies comes to mind.
Did it clear up the first time after you transplanted?