Help Wanted!


Active Member
Hi everyone! I'm new here as you can all probably tell. I need some help from an experienced grower, and I was hoping somebody on this site could offer some advice.

The problem:

I am a first time grower. I am somewhere along the South East coast of Florida. Lately, perhaps for the past week or two, our weather has been pretty cold. Temps have dropped down to 36 at night. My baby girl has whitening leaves! What could cause leaves to turn white? It's not spots, but rather a gradual pigment change in the leaves themselves (atleast as far as I can tell).

I will post pics tomorrow maybe.

Thanks in advance for all your help!


Active Member
Also, how much direct light do they get a day?

Four or five hours of direct light per day.

The medium is potting soil formulated for herb gardens (I don't know enough about soil to mix my own). Could it be a nutrient deficiency or a lack of direct sunlight?

I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out!



Well-Known Member
ok....i cannot help you with the pigmentation problems, but i will let you know that 36 degrees is not acceptable...

thats almost to the freezing point of 32F... plants don't do good during the frost cycle


Active Member
thats almost to the freezing point of 32F... plants don't do good during the frost cycle
I know! I had no way of protecting her though. The weather patterns we've been having lately are very rare for this area, and it was just not forseeable... If I would have known, I would never have moved her outside. She looks pretty good still, but the whitening of the lower leaves scares me alot.


Well-Known Member
i have had the very bottom leaves lose its color.... but i didn't know why... and it really didn't effect my plant.... the only time pigmentation was a serious problem is when the stem started to change color... then i knew it was connected to the roots... in the end... it was time to transplant..... but i wouldn't be surprised if it was the cold that did it to your plant... you're the only person that i have seen, who has had their plant in below 40 degree weather....


Active Member
yea man its probly a nutrients deficency but from the sound of it i could be that combined with the cold thats crazy cold. with leaves are a magniseum deficency i believe or its iron but i do no that if u put galvinized nails in the ground around the plant it may help with the white discoloring.

everyone checkout JCREAMS GROW JOURNAL


Well-Known Member
move them inside.......check the farmers almanac in your region...that should tell you WHEN to plant outdoors....expect a slow recovery also.


Active Member
Hmmm. Well, I will post pictures soon so that the problem can really be diagnosed.

Also, I think I may have inadvertantly misled you guys. It was only that cold for a couple of days last week, but those days were back to back. Tonight it is predicted to be 56F.



Well-Known Member
Can you see preflowers yet. The nights are long right now so maybe they are starting to show. I only ask because the pics are to low res to tell but I thought I could see stamens.


Active Member
Can you see preflowers yet. The nights are long right now so maybe they are starting to show. I only ask because the pics are to low res to tell but I thought I could see stamens.

Again, sorry about the pic quality...

But yes, she is flowering. Where I am, we have 2 more months before 12+ hours of light per day, which (atleast I thought) would give her time to flower outdoors.

The weather isn't cold here anymore... But I am very worried about bugs, and a possible nitrogen deficiency which was (maybe incorrectly) identified by a friend of mine with some prior experience.

What should I do?