help w-pics mag def?


weird micro def pics help

hey guys need a little help here pics what do you think two 1000 hids co2 1400ppm gh nutes most plants look pretty good dont want this thing to spread​


Well-Known Member
is that just on top cause that looks almost like it has been burnt by a light. How far is your light away?


light is 10 inches its on a suncircle never sits still all other plants around her are fine yes only on top three out of a crop have it


Well-Known Member
are you using hps or mh cause in my opinion that is to close, should be 16-18 inches away. I don't think you have a def, just back your lights off and see if the problem persists


its not lights there are several other plants all around re read post suncircle can get with in 3 inches wont burn have been running for a year this problem came up last crop could not figure out was alot closer to harvest than now


aw i see i didnt tell you they were on a suncircle sorry yes statinary they would have to be 12 to 18 inches above

Weed Daddy

Active Member
back off the nutes a little, and it does look like some scald from lights too... maybe even they got too dry once?? gl


lights would be 22inches above i will loose to lumens other plants just as tall have no signs of this with the lights constantly moving in a circle they dont burn any thing leaf edges dont even curl a little so i dont think its scalding only on three out of 25