Help! Very inexpirenced grow gone wrong!


Active Member
Hello. I am extremely new to growing. In fact, the only reason I started is because my friend got his hands on a clone from his brother. He gave it to me when it was already a good 6 inches tall. When I received the plant, it was completely unexpected thus I was completely unprepared. No lights, no grow space, nothing at all.

I don't know how old the plant was when I got it. I had never read up on growing at all so I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Initially, I put the plant in my closet under the regular incandescent light in the closet. After a few day I figured that was a bad idea, so I started putting it outside everyday in the sunlight. But the bugs started to eat the thing real bad. So I brought it back inside under the incandescent bulb.

The plant was looking bad, about a week or so passed and it was still in a very small pot. It stayed like that for probably another week or so. By this point it had grown to a foot in size. Eventually I bought a grow light from Wal-Mart for $10. I also put the plant in a bucket with more potting soil I had my shed. Now it has been under the grow light 12 light / 12 dark.

The problem is, I did not know that 12/12 cycle didn't start until the flowering period. So I imagine this plant was very immature when I starting the flowering as it probably didn't have much time in the vegetation period. I have not added any nutrients but I have some miracle grow and I was not sure if I should put it in the plant or not.

Will this plant produce any buds? What should I be doing to help this? I honestly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. The plant is definitely female as I can see the white hairs coming out. But the leaves have brown spots and it looks like the leaves are receding inward toward the vein.

Very long post, sorry but I seriously need help. Very short vegetation stage, high stress. I can post low quality pictures if this gets replies. HELP ME PLEASE!
The plant will bud, but under that lighting dont expect more than a bowl or 2 max. Those plant lights/bulbs are a scam man, get yourself some cfls, you'll do alot better.
I do have a Soft White 19 watt (75 watt equivalent), 2700k CFL bulb. That will work better? I also have one of those clamp on light fixture things so I could easily use that.

And I don't think I want to start the veg period again, whats done is done. I have only put $15 into this thing. I wasn't even expecting the plant to survive when my buddy gave it to me. I just want to do as good as possible with the plant in the flowering stage.

Thanks for the help, pictures are coming soon.
65 actual watts or 65 incandesent equivelent watts? if youve got 2 65w actual watt bulbs and a y splitter and your clamp on reflector youll have a fairly decent setup. adding a few more cfls for side lighting if you get some money to spend would be a great idea. You do have a fan blowing on it right?
It is only 19 watt (75 watt equiv), and I only have 1 clamp so that would only be one bulb on it. I do have a desk lamp I could put shining on it? I don't know. And I don't have a fan blowing on it. I have an air conditioner on dehumidify mode set for 73 degrees in window of the room always on, but no direct air blowing on it. The plant does not look good at all compared to the plants I see posted on here. It does not have very much room for the roots to grow. I have been trying to be very resourceful as I do not make very much money. I am a student and finances are tight.

Pictures will come. Thanks for all the help, seriously. I felt completely lost before this.
You should get a fan immediatley, a y splitter cost like 1-2 at a hardware store, it allows you to put 2 bulbs into it and it screws into the clamp light. You really need more lighting than that though. 200w a plant at least. If you grow your own pot then you dont have to buy it, get serious about it and see it as an investment so you never have to buy overpriced seedy schwag cuz you've got a never ending supply of super high quality bud. How long would it take you to get 400 to invest? You'll be able to get a decent setup that will produce lots of nice bud for you.
Honestly, I would always think about growing as a "what if.." kinda thing. Never really though it would be possible, haha. The idea seemed very overwhelming. But $400 seems like something I could manage. At the very least, I'm glad this plant gave me at least a bit of experience with growing. Now that I know it is actually possible, I think it is something I could very much look into.

Now, for the time being, I'm going to get one of those Y-splitters and add that along with the cheap grow light. I will get a fan. What about nutrients? Should I add miracle grow or is it okay without it?

Worst case scenario, would I be able to make edibles? Could I just chop up all the leaves/small buds/whatever and cook it into some butter?
Not really sure what you want me to add? Dark has given you good advice and it looks as though you have already learned a valuable lesson the hard way, can you save this plant? maybe but will require getting set up with some proper items lights, soil, nutes and a lot of nurturing

you might just consider getting set up properly and starting over
I havent been online for a while. I will be back after work and will help you get a serious grow going, sorry its taken so long to get back to you.
Honestly, I would always think about growing as a "what if.." kinda thing. Never really though it would be possible, haha. The idea seemed very overwhelming. But $400 seems like something I could manage. At the very least, I'm glad this plant gave me at least a bit of experience with growing. Now that I know it is actually possible, I think it is something I could very much look into.

Now, for the time being, I'm going to get one of those Y-splitters and add that along with the cheap grow light. I will get a fan. What about nutrients? Should I add miracle grow or is it okay without it?

Worst case scenario, would I be able to make edibles? Could I just chop up all the leaves/small buds/whatever and cook it into some butter?

Yo, you still around? I'll be glad to help you. but i dont want to get too detailed just to never have it read.
Miracle gro is not a good fertilizer for mj growing, you should look into foxfarm or advanced nutrients. If you mean one of those grow lights they have at like walmart or one of those stores dont waste your money. They are a scam. Worst case scenario you could make some butter with it, i cant tell you how potent it would be though, depends on how well it does from here on out.
Yo, you still around? I'll be glad to help you. but i dont want to get too detailed just to never have it read.
Miracle gro is not a good fertilizer for mj growing, you should look into foxfarm or advanced nutrients. If you mean one of those grow lights they have at like walmart or one of those stores dont waste your money. They are a scam. Worst case scenario you could make some butter with it, i cant tell you how potent it would be though, depends on how well it does from here on out.

Thank you very much for getting back to me and for all the help, sorry I haven't been on to check this thread. Between work and school I don't have much free time.

I talked to my roommate about setting up a grow room, to see if he would help with the funding. But he said he DOES NOT want a grow room in the apartment. In fact, he said that if I started one he would personally destroy it. We are not generally 'good buddies' but we usually get along. He smokes a lot of pot so I figured he would be excited for it. I don't know whats wrong with him. He did know about this one plant and didn't have a problem with it, which is why I don't understand his objections.

So I can't grow unless I try to keep it a secret from my roommate. Which is virtually impossible. Bummer.

As for the plant I have now, I bought a Y-splitter and I bought a couple 27 watt CFL. I have a fan on it and I'm just going to let it go as it is, and make some butter with it. I'm pretty disappointed at my roommates reaction. It seems like there will be no growing for me in the near future, but eventually it will happen.

Anyways, thank you once again for the help. When I do start growing, I will be right on back here! :-D
you really have alot more flexibility than your thinking. if you increase the lighting it should go back to veg state.
You could always find a new roommate. Do you have your own seperate bedroom for yourself? If you do its not really that hard to do. Making a growbox stealth is pretty easy. you just gotta do a little duct work on the ventilation sysyem to make sure no light escapes and a carbon filter w/inline fan sucking air in creating negatve pressure so no non-filtered air escapes. A 250 or 400w hps w/remote ballast for 120, a 4 inch inline 170 cfm fan and a carbon filter combo is like 120 also. That leaves you with room to find an old cabinet or something on craigslist or ebay or wherever and get the ducting to light and smell proof it.