Help ! Stuff on leaves

This is an indoor grow that's about 5 weeks old. Don't actually know the strain so I'll call her Jane Doe. I water her every 2-3 days as needed and feed her fox farm products. She also in fox farm soil. I've main lined her and did some LST. Jane has recovered from all that til this?
Could really use some help . Would be deeply appreciated.

Thanks in advanced


Well-Known Member
It's not spider mites. The damage parts would be white.
I agree that it doesn't look like mites, but I have seen hundreds of mite-damaged leaves that look very similar to that (minus the black-pin-pricks). But it isn't mites.
Maybe your experience is different, but in the yrs of fighting them, I haven't seen mite-damage to be white. Yellow, pinpricked, mottled, sorta "rust'like" damage when it gets bad.
Dead give away.
but there are a lot of mite-species, I've dealt with four kinds, the normal two-spot, a brownish smaller one (those suck), russet mites, and a weird black colored one.
I grow in a cabin-shed in a redwood forest, and it's impossible to go a full grow without seeing mites.