Hi im having this problem indoors with StarDog. My plants leaves are curling and i have no idea why, i tried to wash roots witouth nutrients didnt helped. They're in vegetation stage, temperature 27 celsius, lamps are high enough, humidity 30~40%, watering every 2 or 3 days about 400~500ml per 17L of soil. Any ideas? Maybe they need something? Im using now Superthrive, Formulex, Silicone, GreenCoir, Rhizotonic, Canazym, Calmag. But i had the same nutrients with my last StarDog and it was alright. But back then i was using 20ml each of Superthrive, Silicone and Formulex and now its 40ml each. Last pictures of leaves those are smaller StarDog and they dont look really healthy to me, but those plants not curly and not droopy just leaves has lighter color like whitening or something.