Help!! Seedling turned dark and stopped growing


Picture problems at the moment so here is a link instead to see the picture: Subject-73.EML/1_multipart_xF8FF_%30524102223.jpg/C58EA28C-18C0-4a97-9AF2-036E93DDAFB3/0524102223.jpg?attach=1

it is in store bought soil no heat issues from cfls added no nutes def not overwatered picture appears so but thats just because i watered before taking it. i have no idea why all of a sudden it stopped growing it is like a hunter green color not light green or yellow i don't know what i'm up against. the ph is just below seven? please help!!!


Active Member
Your link requires a username and password. Might want to try to upload the picture onto RIU. It's probably fine if it's green, water about once a week if it's in soil, that's my rule of thumb.