Help Really Wierd Problem Picks too!


Well-Known Member
Ok im going to try to get a better cammera so i can actually show you how strange this is. tons of tiny little brown specks start showing up on these clones a problem that i have never been able to find anything about anywhere. I think its some sort of bacteria possibly. I had no problems for a while then this started happeneing to a strain of ak-47's i used to get 5 oz yields off of. Ever since it sarted things have just gone steadily down hill. I completely got rid of the ak-47's after i had no flowers appear on 6 different plants i put through flowering and began recognizing the symptoms so i could no when to pull a strain if i ever saw it again. Anyways now the same symptoms are appearing on my chem dawg plants and it starts on one then i start noticing it on all the clones. No idea what this shit is but it kills off entire strains and spreads from clone to clone. at first it appears as some tiny brwon specks on leaves that almost look like a brown powdery wildew except much smaller and less noticable. Then new growth starts slowing and stunting as the specks spread and multiply over the plant. Then leaves start canoeing inwards and edges begin to die. plants can be kept alive and grwoing slowly while in veg but when in flowering problem spreads allover plant quickly and affects all leaves while bud grwoth is so fucked its not even worth trying to flower them. I wish i took some picks of the plants i tried to flower with this wierd shit on them to show you just how terrible this shit is. Its like some vampire bacteria that sucks the life out of your plants. if anyone out there has any idea whatsoever of what this possibly could be i would love input. K+neem cant stop it azamax is ineffective diotomaecous earth doesnt help this shit is like some super marijuana killer i swear.