Help!! Plz


Active Member
my sprout came up about 2 days ago, the seed where it cracked from is still in the top tip of the sprout, they are green. i have them on jiffy soil from walmart ( is that good ) any way 1st day it was standing straight then reaching for the light, so i put it closer to the light... and about 10 mins ago i double checked, and its on the dirt just lying there dead..

wtf happened. i water it about 2 times a day cause that soil gets dry quick...

am i over watering?

is it the soil?

i had it under 80W FL'S, but i didint see any progress

so now i been having it on a 18/6 cycle with a 100W halogen bulb


Well-Known Member
this is pretty ghetto, but you can take a single piece of scotch tape, lay the stem in the piece of tape and fold the tape so the stem is in the crease. you can then drip water down into the crease to keep it moist and it should survive. Otherwise, you can cut it using a razor, put on some rooting hormone and throw it back in soil or a rockwool cube and you should be good. I just snapped off the last seedling from a particular line in a car ride and this worked like a charm.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, and it's my 1st grow also, but you seem to doing some things I would not. You don't have to water not put your light real close to the seedling...temp. is a factor... so is TLC. Try again, but pace yourself. Little ones are pretty strong.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, and it's my 1st grow also, but you seem to doing some things I would not. You don't have to water not put your light real close to the seedling...temp. is a factor... so is TLC. Try again, but pace yourself. Little ones are pretty strong.
good points. that is a ton of water.

having the lights pretty close is okay, at least with those fluoros, and it should be plenty at this age.

the halogen, though, is not okay. tons of heat, which is probably what fucked your seedling.


Well-Known Member
sure, that will be good until it's bigger. if you can't get some humidity with a dome or something, mist 'dead plant' periodically, especially while you're trying to resuscitate it.

nice drawing, by the way.