HELP PLEASE!! this is the third time my seedlings


Well-Known Member
seedlings have died!! Am i doing something wrong.....i germinate the seeds in distilled water and paper towels in two days i see the root then i put them in a germination kit(head pad and cover) they sprout in about 2 days in leave them in a extra day or two and GENTLY transfer them to my grow tent under t5 about 2-3 inches away and two days later they DIE EVERY TIME.... WHAT AM I DOING WRONG??????:confused: MY TENT HAS A VENT AND FILTER WITH A OSCALATING FAN I MAINTAIN A TEMP OF ABOUT 80 AND HUMIDITY ABOUT 35-45. I DONT FEED ANY NUTES TO MY SEEDLING JUST WATER EVERY OTHER DAY I USE ROCKWOOL SOAKED FOR 24 HOURS AND COCO PODS. WHEN THEY DIE THE ROCKWOOL AND COCO SEEM BONE DRY, BUT MY UNDERSTANDING IS NOT TO WATER EVERY DAY.............PLEASE HELP THESE SEEDS ARE A HASSLE AND EXPENSIVE TO GET JUST TO KEEP FUCKING THEM UP LIKE THIS..........................


Active Member
ok heres how i did it....

as soon as i saw root tips coming from my seeds in my paper towel, i put them in the soaked rockwool and i put plastic sups over the rockwool to make a humidity dome. Then i placed 2 CFLS above the domes to create heat and moisture... they sprout, grow, and once they get to a decent size as to where they arent fragile little sprouts, im going to hook up my 400watt HPS... Your T5 may be too much heat/light for these little guys. thats just my opinion tho


Well-Known Member
Honestly, to me you seem to be doing everything right. But i am a nub so hopefully one of the expert members on this board could give some better insight?


Well-Known Member
Hey Doxx..... I think i see ur problem. With rockwool u must keep it wet moisturized. ur not watering like u would in soil.. soil retains water better.... so try keeping it moist. If this doesnt help try placing the germed seed an inch down in dirt.


Well-Known Member
im not using soil i have a ebb and flow system heres a photo of my last surviveing seedling....its very stretched so i buried it in the pot when i tranplanted it. im using 400w mh in my tent. no nute feeding and ONLY 1 PLANT im out of good seeds i fucked them all up. my temp is now 81 and humidity is 49. i have a fan going and a vent i soaked the coco pod with distilled water before transplanting it in the pot,,,,, any suggestions appreciated thanks



Well-Known Member
everything sounds ok, keep the rockwool moist, the fans and lights will dry it out really quickly, also i'd wait till your sprouts are bigger to move into the clay pebbles. good luck


Well-Known Member
alright i may have touched the root a bit when i try to plant it root down. so ill remmeber that. hope my last one survives seems like a waste using 400w mh, tent filter fan ebb and flow system FOR MY ONE LAST SURVIEING SEEDLING!!!! at what point should i start flooding im thinking 2 weeks :confused:


Well-Known Member
Yea if you touch that little root even for a second it dies. A steril tweezers works great. Those little seeds are a bitch to get a hold of.


Well-Known Member
I would try a few seedling in a disposable cup of soil if i were you and then see how you like your results then.