help please looks like plant burned


I have no clue what happened to my plant! I left it under a 65 watt 6700k lights of america big flourescent light and I came back a day later and my plant was like this! I have been leaving under the light all the time before and this didn't happen to it! I left it like an inch away from the bulb.. Does anyone know what could be the cause of this? And what I could do? I have miracle gro organic choice soil and I've only watered it no nutrients or anything yet... its still growing and the new leaves comin out look like a tiny piece of the tip got like the other ones too..... the plant is a month and 2 days old...... and the 2 leaves that grew after the cotyledon turnes yellow and died and now they look just skinny light brown and dead! And the ones after that kinda turned yellow but only a little bit

And this is how I have it now.... I added nother of the same kind of light on the left side and put foil on the right side and the back and sumtimes the front so it looks like a box of foil...... I also have a big bowl of water under the light on the left side...... and its in a kinda small closet..... let me know if I should add anything else too.... and now I have it like 2 inches away from the bulb...

This is how I had it when this happened to it... its the one on the left

Please help me.....

Thanks in advance.....



looks like you need a better grow room it looks like you have your soup bowl right next to the plant you should try and isolate the plant from everything else next time


Active Member
could be the soil, mg is time released so every time you water it lets some nuts out, if you water too often it will hurt the plant


Well-Known Member
Lol thats a 1 month old the plant is commiting suicide thats why its dying its suffering to much.


Well-Known Member
Omg...are u using flood lights on that little ass plant? Heat stress...goddamn all u need is 2 daylight cfls ull be fine dude


Well she made it! And she's growing like normal again I just cut off the dead leaves and put superthrive on it and it looks like it really helped it a lot.... I never thought it would make it but it did and I think its growing like normal again as u can see..... I also cut off the tips of most of the leafs...... u guys tell me what u guys think I should add to it



No those aren't floodlights they are the big kind of flourescent lights..... they are daylight 6500k and they output 6825 lumens 65 watts and I have 2 on this plant.....