Help Please-Auto day 96 and just flowring?? First Grow.


New Member
Hi Guys and Gals :),

I am growing OG Kush (auto) in DWC and have keep everything as suggested for temp (25C), PH-5.6-6.5 and, Nutes around 500PPM and on an 18/6 time schedule. My plants are close to five feet tall and I have no more room to LST and the plant is close to the lights now.

My PH meter was broken and giving incorrect readings for a week and this shocked my plant(s). Below is where I am at day 96 and I just have pistles forming. The plant seems so dense that it could be a problem?

What needs to be done, if anything?

Thanks for all your help!!plant day 97.jpg! :)
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Well-Known Member
13 weeks? Doesn't sound like autos. You will see pistils on photos even at 18/6. Sounds like a seed mixup and you are growing photos. Switch to 12/12. I rarely say it but it looks like you're going to do some thinning on those plants. After that you'll want to do something like supercropping to lower the top of the canopy.


it can be the fact that you had stressed your auto out and made it late flower. i had done this to a GSC from fastbuds and had around the same veg time. take care of her and she will give you a decent yeild