Help Plants And Seedlings Dying!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Not sure what I`m doin wrong but seedling sprout up and keel over get mushy and gooey (DIE) and 2 of my plants that are acouple weeksold are staring to get ellow on the bottom fan leaves and are drooping down theyare geeting 15 mins of water on and 1 hour off and the ph s 6.0 and ppm is 510 and the ec is .75 room temp is at 78 degree farehieght and humidity is at 46 :confused:


Active Member
I`m useing flourescents right now here is a list of my supplies:
Propigation trays of different sizes
Milwaukee SM802 3-in 1 meter
50 liters of hydroton
A small slab of some sort of foam stuff that came with a propigation tray
Pro ph up and down
24 inch Hydrofarm flourescent fixture
2 24 inch agrosun floursent grow bulbs( supposedly full spectrum)
A full line of Technaflora Bc grow Nutriant product
1000 wt lght setup with switchable ballast (w/ HPS & MH Bulbs)
Digital thermometer that reads room temp/ Humidity min and max
2 hydro stups that I have built 1 with 4 inch square pvc tubes, 3inch net pots, and 40 somethin gal res. And another setup I built with a rubber maid tote kind of like a aeromist setup where the net pots sit in the lid and get misted from underneath.
1 Light rail light mover
4 or 5 intermatic timers with 15min on /off settings
2 16 inch oscilating fans
100 feet of mylar
Digtal water thermometer for res.
Seedling heat mat ( but no thermostat)
aquarium air pump
2 Rio mag drive pumps 1 is big the 1100 model does like 800 or 900 + GPH and a smaller 1 that does like 80 to 100+ GPH
Have about 3 film canisters of seed fom a reliable source ( Hence pretty fresh & viable) Maybe sitting around for less than a year
good magnifying glass ( swiped from my Dad hes a coin collector, and an old hippie smoker)
Have several terra cotta pots 3 inch and 4 inch
32 qts of Miracle Gro potting soil with a good size bag of perlite mixed in.
Miracle GRO Quick start fertilizer
Miracle GRO General purpose Fertilizer
Wilt Pruf plant protector ( concentrated)
Spray and Gro Cocco Wet
1 ( 1 gallon pessurized sprayer)
1 ( 2 or 3 gal pressurrized sprayer)
1 (24oz heavy duty hand sprayer)


Well-Known Member
Wow hax sounds like you have a lot of stuff there. What are your plans for putting it in use. One thing comes to mind from the proplem you have desribed. What is your water temperature?


Active Member
water temps stay around 72 degrees farenheight, And Im tryin to grow about 30 females , but only have 4 really sorry looking plants at the moment. Room temps stay between 75 and 85 farenheight humidity stays between 37 nd 46 .


Well-Known Member
help this guy out as much as possible guys, I just spent 2 hours talking to him on MSN, he's serious about this not just a time waster.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure. Maybe could be the amount of water in those 15 minutes.Never used that kind of setup so I dont know