Help (pics)


Active Member
here is my 3 week old strawberry haze, the tips are turning yellow, and there are some yellow and brown spots here and there, I am using miracle gro soil / sand / peat moss. I am also using Fox Farm Grow Big, I have a diluted gallon for every watering. I have raised the lights a little thinking maybe it was burning the plant.

What can I do.



Active Member
yea, it does, i figured thats what it was, so what should i do, leech the soil? would that help? Or do I have to get potting soil with no nutes in them?



Well-Known Member
I recommend switching soils with no nutes add some perlite and vermiculite to it..., for example 50% soil 25% perlite 25% vermiculite Thats my mix,,,,,,,,,lots of different mixes people do,,,,,,, thats just my mix when I used to do soil grows.It's a pain messing with mg soil because of the time release nutes...., in lots of cases people tend to over fertilize with mg......switching may stress your plant a little though so its up to you...


Well-Known Member
MG Sucks! I used it for my first four grows, had all kinds of off the wall problems,learned alot. One thing I learned is MG is not worth a shit. I changed to Fox Farm Ocean Forest...Much Much Betta!:lol:

:bigjoint::blsmoke: ALWAYS..,