HELP ordering seeds from Attitude seed bank to the USA

Great experience with sea of seeds, took 2 weeks and got 8 freebies added onto the 10 i ordered.
It is not just the attitudes beans that are getting snagged. Its just that the majority are the tudes. 90% is my bet. The beans I wanted are not available at SOS or any of the other seedbanks. I have had orders come through from SOS. Pretty soon customs will be on to them too.
It seemed like all the problems were at Chicago first, and then you started hearing others complaining as well. At first it also seemed only like Tude, now it's almost everyone. W.T.F. is going on here? I would think there is some new tech, and I don't mean that damn anal probe scope they have. We'll all have to keep a keen eye and ear on the problem. Peace out.
It seemed like all the problems were at Chicago first, and then you started hearing others complaining as well. At first it also seemed only like Tude, now it's almost everyone. W.T.F. is going on here? I would think there is some new tech, and I don't mean that damn anal probe scope they have. We'll all have to keep a keen eye and ear on the problem. Peace out.

I am out the seed game from this point forward until it is safe again. I saw a post from E M ( SOS ) that someone snitched to paypal that peeps were using paypal for buying seeds with their paypal account. I don't know the full story. Here is the link.

I think the pricks are starting to make it a priority.
I am wondering how the changes in US law might influence customs. How might decriminalization in Colorado and Washington influence the customs situation? Are all seeds for legal growers required to come from the US? Can a Colorado or Washington legal dispensary get an exception for banks like Attitude? Seems like the contrast in state and fed law might make for some confusion. There must be some exemptions for legal growers to buy and sell seeds at least within the US, no? Is that governed by the Dept. of Commerce?

Illinois was the most recent spot in the States to make legalize medicinal use, but I'm not aware of these business dimensions. Anyone know about buying locally (nationally) and avoiding customs? Who are the official suppliers of the seeds for medical and recreational growers in the US?
You know why they are getting snagged? Because fucking idiots post videos on YouTube of them opening the package..
Customs is federal, and it is still against federal law. Also even in states that allow rec use, they do not have rec cultivation laws(yet). Last I looked it was still illegal to cultivate MJ for recreational usage in WA.
you could try the link posted on my grow for amsterdam seeds thats where i got mine recently took a bit for them to get here but none of my 30 seeds were damaged in any way shape or form
Hello, I wanted to report some information for people that happen to view this page. I placed a order with Attitude on Oct 18th. Package arrived on Nov 2nd, it passed through the Chicago customs office, and arrived with "green" homeland security tape. I guess they upgraded from red, as other posts have said. I took a couple of pictures, and replied to Attitude about it, I did pay for guaranteed shipping. I was told we could reship, and verified which address / name. I could not be more pleased from a company that is willing to honor what they state. If you pay for the guaranteed shipping they reship even if it gets picked off by customs! I just wanted to add one more thumbs up towards Attitude, and a middle finger to US boarder customs for taking my six beans.
I placed a small order from attitudes and got them 8 days later. Would have thought they went thru chicago customs but I kept an eye on tracking and they seem to have taken a slightly differwnt route, but idk. Dont like to say too much, I mean how stealth can it be when anybody can get on here and say exactly how they are receiving their seeds and its not like customs or dea can't place an order with them and figure it out. I pay for the guarantee, and just rely on the fact that customs doesn't have the time or man power to check every single package. Overgrow the government!