Help on my, in the making, 8 * 600 Watts setups


Active Member
Hello folks,
I am a fairly new grower looking for advise. I have a room of 16 by 13 ft with a ceiling of 7.5 ft height in Canada.
I want to have the most optimal grow room possible without raising eyebrows nor tapping into the hydro bill. Money is no big deal.
Initially wanted to use 4 to 5 1000 Watts but after studying the optimality of the lamps, I am decided to go with 8 * 600 watts ballasts. To decrease hydro bill, was thinking about using air cooled lights along with an AC unit (wall mounted 22000 Btu).
I want to have a negative pressure in the room but was also thinking about taking advantage of the outside air. So what I would need is an intake and exhaust with the intake cfm lower than the one of the exhaust.
Here are my questions :
1- Is it better to use fresh air for venting or better to use CO2 burners ?
2- Does extremely low temperatures (Canada winter) affect the lamps in a air cooled setup ?
3- Should I use passive venting for intake ?
4- If I am to use 8 air cooled reflectors, can I use just one outside intake and exhaust for the whole setup? would 8 inches diameter be enough ?
5- Should I go for light movers? what do you think would be the increase in the yield with light movers Vs without them?

OK guys I know that I asked too much and thank you in advance for reading me. You can help with what you can. I start work on the room on the 9th of June (in one week) so if you work with me on that one I will post tons of pics and make it a shared high tech project !