help !! not sure if i should cut


Active Member
i need help im in my 7th week of flowering not to sure if i should cut down things got a little shaky with the light cycle for like two days but been on track ever since ive messed around with different nutrients but i always flowed instructions can some give there opinion its my first time getting this far and ive been around the block a couple times first time getting females and ive been reading alot off books help asap and im not sure if their milky white but they look like they are they seem to be turning a little brown heres a couple pics


Your plant looks like it has decent amount of sativa genetics. It does not look ready to me I would predict a 9-10th week maybe even 11weeks. I dont see much density what are you using for light?


Negative do not cut off leaves this will do more harm then good. I would continue to flower. The 400hps is plenty of light. How far is your light away from the canopy? What is your avg temp?