Help! Newbie outdoor grower needs advice! (With pic)


Active Member
Hello! Need advice from more experienced growers. I live in a mountain city somewhere in Southeast Asia, with an altitude of 1,500 meters, moist, tropical pine forest and majority of the plantation here are mossy plants and orchids. Temperature ranges from 12-24 degrees celsius. My plant gets sun for about 5 hours a day (7am-12pm), before the fog starts to creep in and block the sun. Please check out the pic, if you spot any problems (color, formation, etc.), please tell me.

I'm on my 2nd week of growing now and I have a few ?s I'd like to have answered:

1. When can I start fertilizing my plant? How often should I do it?

2. I was thinking of buying fertilized soil. What's your take on this? Also, some advice on good organic fertilizers.

3. Whats the fastest way to grow and harvest a plant outdoors? Any techniques you vets would like to share?

4. Is "coco soil" any good?

5. Is this indica or sativa?

6. What if my plant is a male? Am I screwed? What should I do?

I call on all the great growers of! I will be forever greatful if you answer my questions. Thank you! :weed:



Well-Known Member
Looks as a sativa. I do not like coco. I do not know the pheno you have but that plant looks as if it needs some light neuts.


Well-Known Member
Tip #1 kill off those other little plants in the pot( weed plants grow better with no competition)
#2 your crazy because growing weed in asia is highly Illegal +rep for having big balls
#3 dont use soil with ferts in it already. my mother plant just got her second watering with 2-4-3 light nutriants at like a few months old... so nutes really arnt needed so soon...
#4 If there are any trees that are tall enough to break through the fog I would do my steath camo method( take 5gal buckets and put bark on them or paint them camoflage. then climb a tree to where sun breaks the canopy of the tree and the fog and grow up there.) this method will provide better conditions for growing and will also provide security and extra water to your plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Tip #1 kill off those other little plants in the pot( weed plants grow better with no competition)
#2 your crazy because growing weed in asia is highly Illegal +rep for having big balls
#3 dont use soil with ferts in it already. my mother plant just got her second watering with 2-4-3 light nutriants at like a few months old... so nutes really arnt needed so soon...
#4 If there are any trees that are tall enough to break through the fog I would do my steath camo method( take 5gal buckets and put bark on them or paint them camoflage. then climb a tree to where sun breaks the canopy of the tree and the fog and grow up there.) this method will provide better conditions for growing and will also provide security and extra water to your plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha! Thanks for the tips, I really like that stealth camo method tip you just gave, I'm definitely going to do that.

Actually, I live in a very small populated neighborhood way outside of the main city, and the houses here are built far apart from each other, so I'm not that brave, just making use of the advantages of my location. :-P

One more thing, could you explain what 2-4-3 means? Appreciate the help!